Governor's Office for New Americans

About Us

The Governor’s Office for New Americans (ONA) is dedicated to fostering opportunities for immigrants and refugees to thrive in Nevada. Established to promote the civic and economic integration of these communities, ONA works diligently to ensure that every new Nevadan has the chance to achieve economic self-sufficiency and contribute to the state’s growth and prosperity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support the integration of new and aspiring Americans into Nevada's communities and economy. We strive to provide the resources and guidance necessary to navigate the complexities of immigration laws and policies, ensuring that all Nevadans can access the opportunities available to them. By removing bureaucratic obstacles, we help pave the way for new residents to succeed and contribute to our state's vibrant future.

What We Do

  • Economic Integration: We develop programs and initiatives that help immigrants and refugees ascend the economic ladder, providing them with the tools and resources necessary to succeed.
  • Policy Advocacy: ONA advocates for policies that support the integration and well-being of immigrant communities, working closely with lawmakers and stakeholders.
  • Support for State Agencies: We assist state agencies in understanding and navigating federal immigration regulations, ensuring that they can effectively serve immigrant populations.
  • Community Engagement: Through outreach and collaboration, we engage with communities across Nevada to build strong, supportive networks that celebrate diversity and growth.

Our Vision

The success of Nevada is rooted in our ongoing commitment to welcoming and integrating new and aspiring Americans. At the Governor’s Office for New Americans, we envision a state where every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the rich tapestry of our society.